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有關(guān)于白鱀豚的英語作文或文章嗎?(一定要英文的,最好帶翻譯) 急!急!急! 非常感謝 明天要用

Yangtze River-dolphin

The Yangtze river-dolphin of China, or baiji as it is called locally, was first described in scientific journals only 80 years ago.

In 1979, baiji was classified as endangered.

In August 2007, it was officially declared extinct.

The Yangtze river-dolphin had a stocky body about one and a half metres long. It had tiny eyes, and reasonable eyesight. Its long, narrow slightly upturned beak was like that of other river-dolphins. It appeared to be a dark blue-grey on its back and greyish white on its stomach. It had a triangular dorsal fin, and its flippers were broad and rather rounded.

Baiji were most active from early evening to early morning, but also hunted fish during the day. A very shy animal, it was difficult to approach, so sightings of it were very rare. They were apparently often alone or in groups of up to six, generally in places where streams join the main river, especially around shallow sand banks.

Sometimes, when it was very quiet, the baiji's blow could be heard, sounding a little like a sneeze.

In 1975, China declared the Baiji a 'National Treasure' and began conservation and protection of the mammal. This had little success because of heavy boat traffic, fishing, and industrial development, including the construction of the world's largest dam, the Three Gorges dam. A lake in Hubei province was made into a reserve, with the aim of moving the animals there to better protect them. However, it was too late, and no baiji were found despite an intense search.

The Yangtze is one of the world's busiest rivers in the world's most populated country.


Many people said :"dolphins are human best friend!"


But in our action,what we have done?


Many country kills dolphin for money!Such as dog food and dolphin meat


Can we protect them?


we can,and it is very easy!


we stop buy every things made by dolphins and Legislation protect dolphin.




The Yangtze River dolphin always number has dropped to less than 200, of which 50% are located in Hubei Province Shishou county to upstream of Wuhan section of the Yangtze River, the main habitat in the river bend or branching reach with bend the backwater region.


Due to increased human activities or improper activity, make the baiji accidental deaths increased. According to statistics, between 1973 and 1985, the accidental death of 59 heads, which were rolling in fish hook or other fishing gear to lethal 29 head, 48.8%; be river blasting operation to death and 11, 18.6%; by ship screw propeller killed 12 head, accounted for 20%; stranding death 6 head, 10%; mistakenly intake head 1, accounted for 1.6%. Other according to statistics, the accidental death in the waters of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River dolphin, a third is killed by the ship propeller


白鰭豚的英文:white-flag Dolphin。



I will also direct interested people to send contributions to the Baiji Foundation.


In the silty waters, its eyes atrophied, and it became nearly blind.


The Baiji Conservation Aquarium has already scored small successes with a similar breeding scheme aimed at averting the extinction of the endangered Yangtze finless porpoise.

英語作文 保護白鰭豚100字初一


憨厚、可愛的白鰭豚, 被人們稱為“長江女神”、“水中大熊貓”、“活化石” ,也是我國目前最瀕危的國家一級保護動物。它全身灰白,體態(tài)優(yōu)美,呈流線型。眼睛很小,嘴似長劍,背鰭為三角形,尾鰭又大又扁。圓圓的鼻孔長在頭頂,非常像海豚。在水中,它游動時和魚類一樣,十分的靈活,那急速穿行于波濤之中的身影令人驚嘆不已。




Dolphin protection


Honest, lovely dolphin, known as the "goddess of the Yangtze River", "giant panda in the water" and "living fossil", is currently China's most endangered animal protection at the national level. Its whole body is gray, graceful posture, is streamlined. Small eyes, mouth like sword, the dorsal fin is triangular, large and flat fin. Round nose is long on the top of the head, very like a dolphin. In the water, when it is swimming and fish, is very flexible, and the rapid movement of the waves in the form of amazing.

However, the "goddess of the Yangtze River" now is not happy, her tears in the muddy river FEISA, her vision has become like the river like a muddy, often noisy confused and disoriented, hit the ship propeller, killed in a lightning. Their homes are full of stench and dirty. The Yangtze River is no longer left home, has become the enemy of human dolphin.

Because of the ecological environment has been greatly damaged, the Yangtze River dolphin biomass has been less than one hundred head, if not effectively protected, dolphins will disappear from the earth in twenty years. Does the Yangtze River Dolphin will be in twenty years after a repeat of the extinction of dinosaurs for human beings and regret? Faced with this situation, I want to shout: "cherish our common homeland, protecting the ecological environment, the protection of wild animal, is to protect ourselves!"

In order to "goddess of the Yangtze River" is no longer crying, let us work together to protect the vast Yangtze River is not polluted, more cherish our friends, more cherish our common homeland!


憨厚、可愛的白鰭豚, 被人們稱為“長江女神”、“水中大熊貓”、“活化石” ,也是我國目前最瀕危的國家一級保護動物。它全身灰白,體態(tài)優(yōu)美,呈流線型。眼睛很小,嘴似長劍,背鰭為三角形,尾鰭又大又扁。圓圓的鼻孔長在頭頂,非常像海豚。在水中,它游動時和魚類一樣,十分的靈活,那急速穿行于波濤之中的身影令人驚嘆不已。








“保護白鰭豚的英語海報作文(保護動物白鰭豚的作文英語)” 的相關(guān)文章



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